Wee Daniel’s Kind Hearted Call To Sing At Funeral Of Late Superfan

Daniel O'Donnell

Family members of a superfan of the country music legend Daniel O’Donnell were left  stunned as they took a surprise phone call from the veteran star at their mother’s funeral in Inishannon, Co. Cork yesterday.

Margaret McCarthy‘s family were stunned when ‘Wee Daniel‘ took the time to call them, having been watching the funeral from his home in Co. Donegal according to the Irish Independent.

The intention had been to play Daniel’s ‘Beyond The Rainbows End’ over speakers at their mother’s grave, as it was one of her favourite songs, before the most welcome call from the country music star.

Much to the family’s genuine shock as the funeral took place, the undertaker announced at the graveside that O’Donnell was on the phone and was going to sing the song himself.

Its since emerged that O’Donnell made contact with the undertakers himself during the ongoing mass and organised with them to sing the song himself.

Margaret by all accounts was a massive fan and had attended numerous Daniel O’Donnell shows across the country according to her daughter and what a send off that must have been with O’Donnell underlining his credentials as a genuinely decent, caring fellow who looks out for his many, many fans.

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