Wayne’s World Returns For ‘SNL 40’


The beloved characters from ‘Wayne’s World’ made a return to ‘Saturday Night Live’s’ 40th anniversary show last night.

Mike Myers was back as Wayne Campbell and Dana Carvey as Garth Algar, and as always they urged each other to “party on.”

The lads are still presenting the show from their basement and started off with a list of the top 10 things about SNL.

The comedy duo slagged off Kanye West (who was sitting in the audience) telling him he couldn’t leave his seat and the SNL creator Lorne Michaels.

At number 6 on the list was the show’s ‘Musical Guests’, Wayne named notably appearances from U2 and three of the Beatles, then with a coy look in Kanye’s direction Garth said: “I think Beck was one of the best, even better than Beyonce.”

The pair then revealed at number 5 ‘Kanye Sit Down!’, with Garth warning the rapper “Do not storm the stage!”

At number 3 was the ‘Aftershow Orgies’ which turned out to be an error and was quickly replaced with the much more innocent ‘Wigs’, SNL likes wigs.

Wayne and Garth turned their attention from Kanye to the Saturday Night Live creator Lorne Michaels, Garth said: “What can we say about Lorne Michaels that he has not already said … about himself?”

Myers then started to impersonate the boss saying “it got a laugh but did it get the right laugh!”

Watch the top 10 things about SNL presented by Wayne & Garth below.


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