Waffle The Sniffer Dog Uncovers Over €1.24 Million Of Tobacco At Dublin Port

Waffle The Sniffer Dog Uncovers Over €1.24 Million Of Tobacco at Dublin Port

Revenue’s Detective Dog Waffle was on the prowl yesterday (January 4th) as he sniffed out over €1.24 million worth of tobacco at Dublin Port.

The smuggled tobacco was concealed in A4 boxes labelled as ‘multipurpose office paper’ which had originated in Hong Kong, and had an estimated street value of over €1.24 million representing a potential loss to the Exchequer of approximately €1 million.

Investigations are ongoing.

This seizure is part of Revenue’s ongoing operations targeting the shadow economy and the supply and sale of illegal tobacco products.

If businesses or members of the public have any information regarding smuggling they can contact Revenue in confidence on free phone number 1800 295 295.


Pic: Revenue

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