Video: Kirk Hammet Reveals He’s Tons Of Material For A New Record


Metallica‘s axeman, Kirk Hammett has announced he has already devised a rake of “kick-ass” ideas for the metaller’s next record.

The rock overlords are yet to officially commence on the follow-up to ‘Hardwired…To Self Destruct‘. Hammett revealed he has been forced to gather ideas after he lost his iPhone in 2014.

That mobile contained hundreds of riffs he had on the cards for their last record. Hammet spoke to Cosmo Music about the loss:

“I have a lot of stuff written that I’ve put aside for the band — a lot of stuff. Because last album, I didn’t have any stuff, ’cause I lost most of my ideas when I lost my phone — over 500 musical ideas… It took me a long time to recover from that.”

Hammet revealed he went into overdrive:

“And I got it into my head I had to produce twice as much — basically, I overcompensated. So, as it stands, as we speak, I have a lot of material — really kick-ass, great material — that I just can’t wait to show the other guys and turn into some music, record, get the album out and have more kick-ass metal.”



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