Varadkar Defends His Use Of Mean Girls Quote In Speech

Leo Varadkar

Last Friday, while addressing the nation on the further easing of lockdown restrictions Taoiseach Leo Varadkar quoted a line from the teen movie Mean Girlsthe limit does not exist’  which has caused a  mixed reaction from the public.

Appearing on Prime Time last night, host David Mc Cullagh asked Varadkar if he thought the quote was appropriate given that so many people have died as a result of the pandemic.

Varadkar said: “I think any quote is appropriate if it’s appropriate in its context, whether it was written in a movie or by a poet.”

“It was in the context of our ambitions as a country and I know that some people may be snobbish about those things, that a quote from a movie is different to a quote from a poet or a great author like yourself, but I don’t see it that way.” Varadkar said.

The fact that there are over 2,000 people on this island who have died as a consequence of Covid, that they have families who are grieving, and there are 100,000 people out of work.

“And I’ve used quotes that I identified with that I think explain some of the feelings that they’re having and the darkness around that.”



Pic: Alexandros Michailidis /

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