Today In Music History – March 19th.


Every day on Radio Nova, just before 11am, we play a couple of songs key to “today in music history” Have a listen! But for now – here’s some light reading and watching.  March 19th in Music History looks like this.

1965 The Tailor And Cutter Magazine ran an article asking The Rolling Stones to start wearing ties. The current fashion did not include wearing ties with shirts and many tie-makers were facing financial disaster.

1974 Jefferson Airplane re-named the group and became Jefferson Starship.

1975 Led Zeppelin played the first of two sold-out nights at the Pacific Coliseum in Vancouver, Canada. Tickets cost $7.50.

1976 Paul Kossof guitarist with Free died aged 25, of heart failure during a flight from Los Angeles to New York, Kossof had a long history of drug abuse.

1982  Ozzy Osbourne guitarist and former Quiet Riot member Randy Rhoads was killed when the plane he was joy riding in crashed.

2006 Shakira was set to become the first pop star to release a single only in the form of a mobile download. The singer’s forthcoming release ‘Hips Don’t Lie’ would not be issued in the US as a CD or as a download via the internet but would be available to phone users connected to phone company Verizon.

2009 Eighties pop fan Justine Thompson was ordered to pay more than £1,040 for repeatedly playing The Cure’s ‘Boys Don’t Cry’ at full blast. Thompson had also belted out ‘Geno’ by Dexy’s Midnight Runners and The Smiths ‘This Charming Man’ so loudly it shook flats around her home in Brighton.

WHAT size sound system did she have in her gaff!?

So for the craic…

Check out the weekly Podcast. Marty Miller’s This Week in Music History.

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