Are Tame Impala Stealing Songs?

Tame Impala

Have the Aussie psychedelic rockers, Tame Impala, been stealing songs? Yes, says a Chilean news website.

According to the Chilean website, Tame Impala have plagiarised their hit track Feels Like We Only Go Backwards.

The site claims to have scientific proof that the Aussie lads stole their track, from a 1989 pop song titled Océano from the Argentinian singer Pablo Ruiz. states that, “no one is free to steal the creativity of others.” They go on to mention the example of George Harrison’s plagiarism suit. Harrison’s track My Sweet Lord, was subject to a legal battle, due to the similarity to the song He’s So Fine by Ronnie Mack. The Beatles guitarist was found to have subconsciously plagiarised  the track, the verdict had a ripple effect throughout the music industry.

The site goes on to name Tame Impala as the latest defendants, claiming that their song Feels Like We Only Go Backwards has a “chord sequence similar to the successful Latin American pop idol, Pablo Ruiz.”

We’ll let you judge for yourself, watch the two tracks compared below.

The website says that the discovery occurred when musicologists analysed the songs and concluded there was a definite similarity between the two pieces of music.

Tame Impala is yet to comment on the plagiarism accusations.

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