RTÉ’s Brand Deemed Worst In Ireland

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Irish Credit Unions have topped the CXi league table for nine straight years, a record, but it makes for grim reading for RTÉ.

Credit Unions treat members like their own family. They ”listen to their members needs” ”around their life stages” and ”customise solutions accordingly”, the report states rather po-faced.

The top 10 brands in 2023 have an average CX score of 7.78 which is an increase of +5.9% compared to the top 10 brands in 2022.

Company Satisfaction – Top 10 – 2023 – CXi

The stunning and inexorable decline of RTÉ continues apace as it was ranked the ”worst brand” in Ireland for the first time.

The annual study, based on research from Amárach and carried out among a representative cross-section of Irish consumers published today, marked the national broadcaster finishing last out of 150 well-known brands with its overall customer experience score falling by 17 per cent, the single biggest decline recorded by any brand over the past three years.

RTÉ‘s level of trust among the general public fell by 25% as the public’s anger over a perceived absence of transparency and corporate mismanagement was reflected.

Most of those expressing views about RTÉ highlighted the summer of scandal saying it had led to a breakdown of trust between them and the broadcaster.

It proved to be a cruel summer for Ticketmaster, too, as it became the focus of anger for thousands of disappointed Taylor Swift fans.

Company Satisfaction – Worst – 2023 – CXi

The gap between the top brand (Irish Credit Union) and the second brand (Allcare Pharmacies) is 7.0%.

All brands in the top 10 improved their CX Scores from 2022 to 2023 with the biggest increases coming from Smyths Toystore and PowerCity.

The CXi Survey was conducted by The CX Company in partnership with Amárach Research and ran from the 8th June to the 4th August 2023.

With 85% of organisations in the survey improving their overall CX scores this year, there are very encouraging signs that continued focus is being put on listening to customers, identifying issues and improving experiences.

Company Satisfaction – Best Overall – 2023 – CXi

The 2023 CXi report covers 150 brands across 11 different sectors. The increase in brands from 139 in 2022 is due to a number of brands coming back into the league table after not hitting the required sample size.

While there have been some changes to the sector ranking, the top two performing sectors of Supermarket and Retail remain unchanged for 2023.

The Insurance and Restaurant sectors have both dropped down whilst the Financial sector saw an impressive jump of three places to third, driven by the highest improvement of 9.5% in overall CX score across the sectors. This is the largest jump of any sector since the survey began.

The Travel sector had the second biggest improvement in overall CX score with 7.7%, moving them up one place to sixth, along with Utilities & Services and the Public Sector who went up to 7th and 10th respectively.

The Communications sector also had a positive improvement, seeing their score rise by 5.4% and their ranking move up two positions to eighth.

Conversely, the Logistics & Delivery sector are the only sector to have had a decline in overall CX score of -1.5% which saw them to drop four places in the sector rankings.

The sector at the bottom of the table this year, dropping two places, is Entertainment & Leisure demonstrating the challenges of keeping pace with rising customer expectations.

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