Rolling Stones Tease Big Announcement Via Social Media


It appears that the Rolling Stones are planning a big announcement for later today.

Those eagle-eyed fans of the band might have noticed a post on their Instagram account.

A video clip had been posted on social media, showing guitarist Keith Richards performing the opening guitar riff for the track ‘Street Fighting Man’. 

The caption had also announced, “Wednesday 13th April – 3pm BST / 10am EDT / 7am PDT”. 

Is this announcemnt extra tour dates? A new album? Perhaps both! We will find out soon enough. Check out that post here.

What’s In Store For The Stones?

Last month, Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards had said that the band had been working on new music.

“It’s sort of metamorphosing into something else. I was working with Mick last week, and Steve (Jordan), and we came up with some, eight or nine new pieces of material. Which is overwhelming by our standards. Other times, [songwriting is] like a desert”, he said.

Richards had further stated that he has been playing “quite a lot of bass” on these new songs that the band are working on.

He had also said that the Rolling Stones were “gearing up” for this upcoming 60th anniversary tour.

“Once a year I like to keep my hand in – there’s nothing like playing on stage”, he revealed.

He also insisted that the Rolling Stones do not have any plans to sell any of the publishing rights for their music.

“Mick and I have not spoken about it on a serious level”, Richards said on the matter. “I don’t know if we’re ready to sell our catalogue”, he said.

“We might drag it out a bit, put some more stuff in it. The only thing about selling your catalogue…it’s a sign of getting old”. More on this report from Nova here. 





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