Pfizer’s FDA Covid Vaccine Approval & Biden’s 100 Day Promise

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The FDA approved Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine treatment in the US. This is a major step in the fight against the Covid-19 Pandemic.

The federal advisory’s panel consists of infectious disease doctors, and scientific experts. They all voted in favour of the emergency authorisation of this treatment. Intially, 6.4 million doses will be be sent out, within 24 hours of the FDA’s clearance.

Half of those doses will be sent across the USA, while the other half will be saved for those who are reserved to get their second dose, 3 weeks later.

At the FDA advisory meeting, Kathrin Jansen, Pfizer’s head of vaccine research and development said, “With the high efficacy and good safety profile shown for our vaccine, and the pandemic essentially out of control, vaccine introduction is an urgent need”.

With FDA’s approval, the US can now begin to curb the spread of Covid-19, which has spread rapidly throughout the country since mid-March.

Many Americans are demanding for the Vaccine to be rolled out quickly, days after it was approved in the UK. See here.

The US’s incidence rate is also at an all time high. They have reported nearly 210,000 daily Covid-19 cases, and a record 106,688 people in hospital.

Biden’s Vaccine 100 Day Promise:

On Tuesday, Joe Biden promised to have 100 million vaccinations distributed to Americans, in his first 100 days as President. He is due to take office on January 20.

Biden gave details of a vaccine rollout plan.

Biden said, “This team will get at least 100 million vaccine shots into the arms of American people, in the first 100 days”.

“100 million shots in the first 100 days”, he clarified.

The former Vice-President stated that the focus of his administration, would be to get the vaccine to those “most at risk” of the virus.

Ireland Could Get 95% Effective Covid Vaccine Next Month

Mask Order:

Biden also promised to issue a mass mask order, and to work with governors to do the same at state-wide level.

“Wear a mask for 100 days. It’s the easiest thing you can do to reduce Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and death” Biden declared.

“Whatever your politics, or your point of view, mask up for 100 days once we take office. 100 days to make a difference. Its not a political statment, it’s a patriotic act”.

Biden claims he was “absolutely convinced that in 100 days, we can change the course of the disease and change life in America for the better”.

“I’m going to ask for a masking plan, everyone for my first 100 days in office, must wear a mask”. 

“We’re going to require masks wherever possible if this goes beyond government control”. 





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