Paramore’s Hayley Williams On Women In Rock Music


Paramore’s Hayley Williams has said “it’s amazing to see” the switch in perspective when it comes to female musicians in rock music.

The fiery haired rock star has made a significant impact on the world of rock and has undoubtedly become one of the most influential females of the genre which is generally quite male dominated.

Speaking to The Rock Sound, Williams was reminiscent of the era when there was a distinct absence of women working in rock, “There was a time when we almost never saw bands with female vocalists, or even female members at all. It sounds preposterous, but in the grand scheme of things female rock musicians on any sort of wider scale is a very new thing. It’s only in the last few years that people have stopped viewing the notion of a female onstage in a rock band as some sort of novelty.”

The humble singer was also reluctant to accept too much responsibility for the role she has played, “It’s incredibly flattering obviously, but it’s also difficult to accept that kind of credit. I remember reading an interview with Lynn Gunn from PVRIS where she was talking about going to a Paramore show as a kid, about how afterwards she knew that being in a band was what she wanted to do, and that seeing me made her feel like she actually could. That’s an incredible compliment”.

She believes she can only be held responsible for the songs Paramore have written but if her fans “have drawn any inspiration or belief from” her work “then that’s awesome”. She also credited the many other women “doing well, making great art and getting recognition, which is fully deserved”.

Hayley Williams recently featured in Chvrches’ animated music video ‘Bury It’ – Click here to check it out.

Photo Credit: stageID

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