New Summer Festival Celebrating Fade Street


Good news if you’re already suffering Post-Bank Holiday Blues; Dublin’s Fade Street, will host “Neighbourhoods”, a day-long celebration of the street this Sunday, 11th August.

Presented in association with Hop House 13, “Neighbourhoods” will see Fade Street closed to traffic for the day with events curated by local artists, musicians, chefs, business owners and publicans.

Experiences on Fade Street will include music from Sim Simma, Telephones and Tiny Choons DJs and live on-street murals. A bike exhibition from Rothar in collaboration with Epoch design will run throughout the day.

Also featuring on the day is an exhibition by the Art of Ping Pong at Hen’s Teeth and an on-street record fair from The R.A.G.E record and game store. A delicious menu of food and Chinese cooking demo by leading chef Kwangi Chan will be served by Chinese barbecue specialists DUCK.

During “Neighbourhoods” the local pubs and restaurants Hogan’s, L’Gueuleton, No Name Bar, Fade Street Social, Idle Wild and the Market Bar will host special music and food events throughout the day with bespoke menus that compliment Hop House 13.

Events and experiences will take place across Sunday, 11th August from noon until 11pm and are free to attend.

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