HSE Report Uncovers Horrors Foisted On People By Drinkers

HEALTH Alcohol 154453

Half of all people living in Ireland say they’ve felt harassed, afraid or unsafe because of someone else’s drinking. Three in five people are dealing with a heavy drinker in their lives.

The HSE has launched a new report on the impact this has on children, family members, co-workers and strangers.

It found that half of us have felt harassed, afraid or unsafe because of someone else’s drinking.

The report looks at the impact it has on children, family members and work colleagues. Just over 60% of people know a heavy drinker in their life while the survey also shows the impact its having on children with many experiencing verbal abuse and serious violence in their homes.

Its estimated that the economic cost of Alcohol Harm to Others stands at almost €900m.

One of the authors of the report, Dr Ann Hope, notes the significant evidence presented.

Dr Hope said: “Given that 3 in 5 people reported a known heavy drinker in their life, suggests the risk of harm from others’ drinking is widespread in Irish society, with some of it hidden.

“The fear to personal safety due to strangers’ drinking especially in public spaces can undermine a sense of community well-being and can be felt by both drinkers and non-drinker alike.”

The key findings from today’s announcement include:

– One in six carers (16%) reported that children, for whom they had parental responsibility, experienced harm because of someone else’s drinking;

– One in every two people (51%) reported experiencing harm due to strangers’ drinking in the past 12 months;

– Two in every five people (44%) reported experiencing negative consequences due to the drinking of people they know;

– Three in every five people (61%) reported having a known heavy drinker in their life;

– One in seven workers (14%) reported work-related problems due to co-workers’ drinking.

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