HSE Issue Factual Information For Parents On Covid Vaccine For Teens To Ward Off Threat From TinFoil Hat Inspired Codswallop

Covid Vaccine - Teen Boy

The HSE has published updated information on Covid-19 vaccination for children on the HSE website.

This information will help inform parents of the facts about the vaccine and assist them in making an informed decision on vaccinating their children.

Information campaign is live on hse.ie and social media in advance of registration next week.

All children aged 12 to 15 years will be offered a vaccine, and vaccines are particularly recommended if your child is aged 12 to 15 and:

  • Has a health condition that puts them at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19
  • Lives with someone who is at higher risk of COVID-19

The HSE’s information includes the benefits and the risks of vaccination, the impact of Covid-19 on children, potential side effects of the vaccine and other details about giving consent and where vaccines will be given.

Dr Lucy Jessop, Director of Public Health at the HSE National Immunisation Office explains:

You will want to look at the available information before deciding whether or not to vaccinate your child. You should consider getting your child the Covid-19 vaccine if you want to protect them against the impact of Covid-19 or to protect them against the rare possibility of getting severe Covid-19 and perhaps developing long Covid.”

The HSE encourages parents to read all advice on this page to assist with making a decision.

The HSE website information is being promoted through a social media campaign, and from tomorrow, on national and regional radio and digital audio services.

Registration for 12 to 15 year olds is expected to open on Thursday, 12 August, with details being provided in national and regional print media.

Watch Dr Lucy Jessop’s full update here

Deciding on vaccination for 12 to 15 year olds

How to get a COVID-19 vaccine for 12 to 15 year olds

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