HSE ‘Block-Books’ CityWest For Covid-19 Treatment Until December


The HSE has confirmed that it has “block booked” CityWest hotel and Conference centre in Dublin until December 31st, to treat people with Covid-19.

The new self-isolation and step-down facility, which can accommodate 1,400 people, is currently treating around 70 patients.

It was set up to ease pressures on hospitals in the Dublin region, with growing numbers of people testing positive for the virus.

Chief Operating Officer Anne O’Connor said she believed that the booking had been made for a seven month period.

In relation to whether the HSE foresees using the facilities Ms O’Connor said “the challenge is that we don’t exactly know. We hope we never have to use it.”

“That’s what’s tricky. There is no blueprint for this in this country. It’s not like we’re developing a new service and we will have it for ever more.

“This is an extraordinary response to something that is developing at pace and we have to ensure that we have sufficient capacity available in the event that we need it.”

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