2018 Homeless Targets In Dublin To Be Missed


Local authorities in Dublin will miss their targets to provide 950 homeless family hub units by the end of the year.

Instead the four councils combined expect to deliver just 142 hub spaces.

Eileen Gleeson, head of the Dublin Region Homeless Executive, said achieving the family hub targets “will not be possible” by the end of 2018.

She added that the targets set “are very challenging in the context of the current property market in the Dublin area.”

In September, Housing Minister Eoghan Murphy threatened to take control of providing emergency accommodation under his department if targets were missed.

Spending on services for homeless people in the city is expected to reach €150 million next year, a rise of more than €90 million over the last five years.

The fund covers the provision of emergency accommodation but not permanent housing.

Latest figures from the Department of Housing put homeless numbers at 9,698, with 68% of these in Dublin.

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