Hollywood veteran Actor Trejo Rescues Baby From Overturned Car


Hollywood hard-man character actor Danny Trejo, jumped into action in real life yesterday in Los Angeles to save a baby trapped in an overturned car.

The veteran actor who featured in Once Upon A Time In Mexico and Machete to name but a few. witnessed a two car crash where one of the cars flipped over.

The overturned car on its roof had a baby inside trapped in its car seat.

Trejo told reporters that he tried crawling into the car through a window that was broken but couldn’t unhook the seatbelt.

A bystander named Monica Jackson, lended a helping hand too and they were able to free the child together.

Trejo told a photographer who was present on the scene that “The only thing that saved the little kid was his car seat,”

“Everything good that has happened to me has happened as a direct result of helping someone else,” Trejo said, “Everything

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