The Green Party leader Eamon Ryan has apologised for his use of the n-word in the Dáil chamber today which has drawn ire and contempt from members of his party at the needless use of the term, even in the context of trying to illustrate a point about racism in Ireland and one’s person struggles.
It will only add to the calls for his position as leader to go to his current main rival for the role in the form of Deputy Catherine Martin. The constitution of the Green party demands a leadership election after the holding of a general election.
Mr. Ryan took to twitter to express remorse for the use of the word in the Dáil chamber this afternoon.
I made a speech in the Dáil today about the scourge of racism in our society. In quoting from an article I read this morning, I repeated a racial slur, and I was completely wrong to do so. I want to apologise for any hurt caused. I know this particular word should never be used.
— Eamon Ryan (@EamonRyan) June 11, 2020
The party’s grass roots though aren’t impressed. One local councillor issued a statement in the wake of the chamber gaffe today.
Daniel Whooley said no one should ever use such words of hate “regardless of context, especially in Dáil Éireann”.
”Eamon Ryan’s comments in the Dáil today was morally reprehensible, no person should use such words of hate regardless of context, especially in Dáil Éireann. The language used is the most unparliamentary and beneath the Houses of the Oireachtas. I do not believe that any parliamentarian who invokes such words, be it by mistake or on purpose, should lead an Irish Political party, the use of these words is disgusting His comments today go against core principles of the Green Party. It does not matter if it was a mistake, what matters is that he used the words.
I have seen his apologies, and I know he regrets what he has said, however, this is not good enough. I joined the greens to stand up against racism and social injustice in society.
I will continue to call out racism when I see it.”