Gardai Seek Help Identifying Dublin Riot Suspects

Taoiseach Aims To Fight 'Waves Of Ignorance And Criminality' After Dublin Riots
Image credit: Dublin Fire Brigade

Gardaí have published photos of dozens of suspects involved in the Dublin Riots.

It’s in a bid to identify more of those involved and try secure more convictions.

It has been almost one year since violence erupted in Dublin city centre triggered by an attack outside a school in Parnell Street.

To date, 57 people have been arrested so far with 100 more on a suspect list.

This morning Gardai published the photos of dozens of suspects from that night.

People will then be able to identify anyone they think they recognise on the garda website.

It’s the first time in the history of the force that such a tactic has been used on such a large scale.

On the night of the violent unrest, a Luas tram was set alight, along with three Dublin busses.

Meanwhile, 15 Garda vehicles, along with a Dublin fire engine were also subject to arson attacks.

13 members of the Gardai were injured that night, attempting to restore public order.

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