Gardai Operate Checkpoint Near Home Of Released Crime Boss


After crime boss Cornelius Price was released from prison he was greeted with armed gardai stationed outside his ‘fortified compound’ in Meath.

That was just a matter of hours after being freed from Wheatfield Prison. Price had returned to his protected property in Gormanstown, Meath at roughly 2pm, yesterday.

Before his arrival, Gardai as part of Operation Hybrid, installed a high visibility check-point a short distance from his house.

Operation Hybrid was initiated to monitor the movements of central gangland figures. That includes their cars and movements as well as that of any associates across Dublin and beyond.

Gardai are concerned that Price’s release from prison will spark further violence in the ongoing Drogheda feud.

According to The Independent, sources said the brash operation was a signal to the alleged crime boss that his every move is set to be closely monitored.

After the check-point stood down, it’s reported that  a car identical to the description of the motor which had picked up Price from prison earlier appeared and sped towards Balbriggan.

It’s understood that the criminal was involved in a number of rows and feuds which led him to be transferred to different jails and isolation units.

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