Elvis Presley Memorabilia To Be Sold Online


It has recently been announced that a collection of Elvis Presley memorabilia will be sold via online auctioning site eBay during this year’s annual ‘Elvis Week’. Overall there will be 172 items of memorabilia which people can bid on.

Among the items will be a light blue ‘Starbust’ jumpsuit and a signed guitar by the King Of Rock & Roll himself. The live auction will be streamed online directly from Graceland in August.

The auction is organised by Graceland Auctions and will take place in the singer’s home, in the Graceland Archives Studio on August 13th. Fans unable to attend will be able to bid on the items online through eBay’s Live Auctions’ platform.

It is all in conjunction with the aforementioned ‘Elvis Week’ which takes place next month. Those attending will also be able to view an array of artefacts from the late singer’s life, including his two private jets, which have recently been confirmed to be staying in the Graceland residents permanently. 

After the auction takes place, Presley fans will commemorate the singer’s death by partaking in the Candlelit Vigil, starting on the evening of August 15 and lasting into the morning of Presley’s day of passing, August 16.

Photo Credit: Bradford Timeline

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