Dublin Fire Brigade Resplendent With Pride

Dublin Fire Brigage - Pride Appliance Launch 2021-16

Dublin Fire Brigade have unveiled a Fire Appliance wrapped in Dublin Pride colours at the Mansion House this morning.

The fire appliance, which is based in the Brigade’s Head Quarters on Townsend Street, will be responding to emergency calls across the city centre. Dublin’s Lord Mayor Hazel Chu, Firefighters and Officers from DFB and CEO of Dublin Pride gathered for the launch.

Lord Mayor Hazel Chu said I am honoured to officially launch Dublin Fire Brigade’s Pride Fire Appliance. Dublin’s Firefighters and Paramedics are always there for the citizens and visitors of Dublin and help everyone in need equally. I’d encourage anyone who sees the fire appliance on the road to give them a wave and show your support for Dublin Pride.”

The Fire Appliance carries the slogan “Fire doesn’t discriminate. Neither do we” and will be on the appliance for the next two weeks. The service’s ambulances will carry similar markings: “Caring with Pride”.

Assistant Chief Fire Officer with responsibility for HR, Greg O’Dwyer said Dublin Fire Brigade have been involved with Dublin Pride for the past number of years and we are delighted to unveil this Fire Appliance as a visible symbol of support for the celebration of Pride. We carry the same care and respect for all citizens and visitors to Dublin without discrimination. As an organisation, we too have a responsibility to ensure a workplace founded on equality without fear of discrimination.

Jed Dowling CEO of Dublin Pride added Dublin Fire Brigade has always played an important role in planning our annual Pride Parade, the fact that in a year when we won’t have our usual parade, they would cover a Fire Appliance in our flag to help us send our message of Pride, diversity and inclusion across the city, make us very proud of the Dublin Fire Brigade and all its firefighters and paramedics.”

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