Covid-19 Payment To Be Phased Out As Unaffordable Long-Term


According to The Irish Examiner, a phased reduction of the payment from €350 a week to €203 between August and Christmas will form the bedrock of next Monday’s July jobs plan.

Talks will take place over the coming days to finalise the multi-billion package being formulated to aid the economy from the impact of Covid-19.

Speaking to Morning Ireland on RTÉ radio, Tánaiste Leo Varadkar confirmed the Covid-19 pandemic unemployment payment will be phased out as “it would not be affordable to keep it forever.”

Mr Varadkar stated that some people would be better off on regular social welfare payments, especially if they have dependants.

“The position, as of today, is that the PUP ends on the 10th of August, but it will be extended. It was never intended that it would just stop overnight, but that it will be phased out,” he said.

The Minister for Public Expenditure Michael McGrath said, “changes that need to be made will be made in an orderly manner. People do need to be given adequate notice of what are important changes that impact them,” he said.

“A really important part of the package will be around the issue of reskilling, training, educational opportunities, labour activation measures generally. All of that is going to be part of the mix

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