Conor McGregor Is Unconvinced By Vaccines, Unaware Of Their Role Before Deleting Ranting Tweet

Conor McGregor

It appears as if the great Mixed Martial Artist Conor McGregor is wholly unconvinced that COVID-19 vaccines will help stop the spread of the Coronavirus.

With most rational human-beings already vaccinated against the terrible disease that’s spiralled out of control around the world, there are still some who actually believe that the vaccine is not the useful ally that it is, in helping to defeat the worst effects of a deadly disease which has been wreaking havoc globally for almost two years.

Since the introduction of vaccines the virility of coronavirus is believed to have come under control, however caseloads remain very high, especially in Ireland and across Europe.

McGregor is one such figure who believes that vaccines haven’t been effective in the fight against the Coronavirus.

No one has however told Conor that the vaccine was never meant to cure anything. They are to reduce life threatening symptoms and any cursory glance at any public health official document or department of health department correspondence will show they are working.

Taking to Twitter, ‘The Notorious‘ stated that the cases have been increasing at an alarming rate, calling for a re-evaluation of vaccination. He’s since deleted the tweet.

Conor McGregor via @TheNotoriousMMA
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