Brian May Sounds Off Against Article On him.


Brian May is unhappy with the Sunday Times Magazine article on him that was done in promotion for his new book, Queen in 3D.

On his blog Bri’s Soapbox, he launches into a tirade against the article which he feels was “A Rubbish article and an absolute betrayal of trust”

May took part in the exclusive interview and gave exclusive access to some of the images in his new book, Queen in 3D. The book contains a mass amount of personal photos from the Queen days and beyond, many of which can be viewed in 3D.

In his blog and on his on social media, May expresses his disgust on the article and was dismayed over their lack of use of the photos he had given them special access to.

May feels that the article  appeared in the Times ignores what the book core purpose of the book was.
“I think the worst part of it all to me is that people will see this article and think that this came from me. They’ll think that this is the way I see things, and that this is what the book is about. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth.”

He then goes on to send a message direct to the author of the article.

“Well, here’s a message for you, Krissi Morison and your scummy pals. I hope you think it was worth it. Because neither I nor any intelligent reader of this travesty will ever give you the time of day from here on in.”

Much of the article in the Sunday Times focused on the years of Queen with Freddie and discussed in depth the rumours of debauchery and outlandish behaviour by members of the band, rather than having much discussion about the actual book. Its opening paragraphs focus on how the other bandmates learned about Freddie’s HIV diagnoses. Th article also listed off some of the more infamous tales of wild parties.

The article highlights only a few snippets from the book, such as the parts where May shares personal information on Mercury. In the book itself May gives other interesting revelations including that Mercury lost his foot due to his illness. “ “The problem,” May writes, “was actually his foot, and tragically there was very little left of it. Once, he showed it to us at dinner. And he said, ‘Oh Brian, I’m sorry I’ve upset you by showing you that.’ And I said, ‘I’m not upset, Freddie, except to realise you have to put up with all this terrible pain.’ ”

The book is unique in that it is Steroscope and the photos can be viewed through his own designed and prototyped stereoscopic photo viewer, the Owl, to see the images. The book is available to be purchased on May 25th and is published by The London Stereoscopic Company.

One thing we’ve learned from all this, is not to annoy Brian May.

Photo Cred: Mark Kent

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