Motorhead “Boat Cruise” Lineup update


As we said when we first reported on the story we would keep you updated so here’s the update.

The line up of the “Motorhead Boat Cruise” has been added, although there may be more to follow this is what we know so far. Megadeth, Anthrax, Danko Jones, Fireball Ministry, comedian Jim Breuer and Zack Wylde have been confirmed to play on the cruise, not bad so far!

The cruise will launch from Miami on the 22nd of September travel to the different ports then finishing up where it began on the 26th on a boat called the Carnival Ecstasy. The boat will be visiting the ports of Key West, Florida and Cozumel, off the coast of Mexico. Tickets (cabin’s) for the cruise will go on sale Tuesday the 18th of March with information on pricing available in the coming days via the bands website (Facebook page)

Motorhead’s Lemmy has said:

“This will be everything you’ve come to expect from a night out with us, except even louder, with more great bands and no way of escaping! If you thought waves could rock a boat, you’ve got another thing coming with this lovely little outing!”

Megadeth’s Dave Mustane has also said:

“There never has and never will be another cruise like Motorboat cruise. This is the coolest way to ever see a metal concert.”

Although Lemmy has in recent times been suffering with health problems, which led the band to cancel their European tour it seems that he is going to be fit and well to rock this cruise out of the water.

By Martin O Brien.



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