Parts Of Sandymount Village To Be Pedestrianised This Summer For Outdoor Dining

Parts Of Sandymount Village To Be Pedestrianised This Summer For Outdoor Dining

Dublin City Council has announced that it will be proceeding with plans to pedestrianise the eastern side of Sandymount Village on a 24 hour basis for July and August, commencing from the 3rd of July.

Dublin City Council received requests from a number of local businesses and the Sandymount and Merrion Residents Association regarding facilitating outdoor dining on Sandymount Green in July and August by making an area traffic-free on one side of the Green.

Emergency access will still be allowed at all times.

A loading area will be provided as well as the relocation of the two disabled parking spaces and the provision of additional disabled parking space nearby.

Additional bike parking will also be provided.

This comes as a number of streets in Dublin City Centre have been pedestrianised either permanently or as a trial to facilitate outdoor dining.

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