Dublin City Council is inviting members of the public to provide feedback on a proposal to have a default 30km per hour speed limits.
The Non-Statutory public consultation opens on Friday, 9th April until Friday, 23rd April 2021.
Members of the public are asked to make their submissions on Dublin City Council’s Consultation Hub which can be found here:
https://www.dublincity.ie/loving30 or by email: speedreview@dublincity.ie
Submissions can also be made in writing marked “Speed Limit Review” to the Senior Engineer, Transport Operations, Environment & Transportation Department, Dublin City Council, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, D08 RF3F.
In January 2021, Dublin City Council launched their Loving 30’ campaign, which aims to amend to reduce speed limits on the main arterial routes (with some exceptions) from 50 km to 30km per hour to make the roads safer for all road users.
Speaking about the ‘Loving 30’ campaign, the Lord Mayor Hazel Chu said “I would encourage all Dubliners to have their say about this proposal to extend the 30km/h speed limit across Dublin city. One of the main objectives of Dublin City Council’s Road Safety Strategy is to reduce the number of casualties on the streets of Dublin city, by making Dublin a safer city for all road users especially for cyclists, pedestrians and vulnerable road users.
Brendan O’Brien, Head of Technical Services Traffic, Dublin City Council, said “Since the COVID-19 public health regulations came into effect a year ago we’ve seen an exponential growth in pedestrian and cycling activity on our roads and footpaths.”
“We believe that making the roads safer for everyone is a vision that is worth pursuing. Road accident statistics show lower speeds result in less fatalities, less injuries and severity of injuries with all road users benefiting. The probability that a pedestrian will be killed if hit by a motor vehicle increases dramatically with speed. Road Safety Authority statistics show that lower speeds dramatically reduce the number of people killed in collisions: 1 in 10 pedestrians will die when hit by a car at 30 km/h; at 50 km/h, 5 people in 10 will die, and at 60 km/h, 9 out of 10 pedestrians will die. *Other studies show that 3 in 10 pedestrians will die when hit by a car at 40 km/h.”