Aengus Mac Grianna Apologises for ‘God is a rapist’ Segment on RTÉ

Aengus Mac Grianna

The former RTÉ news broadcaster Aengus Mac Grianna has apologised for his part in a Waterford Whispers sketch on RTÉ‘s New Years Eve show.

A seemingly controversial segment in which he presented, received a slew of complaints for depicting ‘God as a rapist‘.

Almost 5,000 complaints have been made to RTÉ about the sketch branded ‘deeply offensive and blasphemous’ by the head of the Catholic Church in Ireland, Archbishop Eamon Martin.

Mr. Mac Grianna says he’s deeply sorry for the offence, distress and hurt caused despite it being a purely satirical segment.

The programme remains available on the RTÉ Player with a warning, despite an apology from the broadcaster and calls for it to be removed.

The unflappable polished broadcaster issued a mea culpa via twitter:

Personal apology: I wish to apologise concerning my participation in the Waterford Whispers News item on the NYE show on RTE 1 on New Year’s Eve.

Truly I am deeply sorry for the offence, distress and hurt caused.

It was wrong for me. It was wrong of me. Aengus Mac Grianna.”

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