Traffic info for Neil Young RDS and Bon Jovi at Slane


Neil Young and Crazy Horse, with the Waterboys, Los Lobos and Little Green Cars are performing tonight at the RDS Arena.

Doors open at 4pm. Events kick off at 5pm. Neil Young is expected on stage by approx. 8pm. Use public transport as much as possible.

There are a limited number of parking spaces in the Simmonscourt Extension Car Park which is located on Simmonscourt Rd. Patrons may also wish to avail of on-street parking where disk parking is in force.

There are new parking arrangements this year for Slane – Roads in and out of the Co Meath village are closed.

The main advice from gardaí is to use public transport if possible and people taking their own cars should follow the car park signs.

Cars parked along roads leading into Slane that are causing an obstruction will be towed away.

Cars and buses will be allowed to park north of Slane on the N2 at Balrenny Cross. There are no car parks available south of Slane on the N2.

Any cars coming from Dublin will have to travel on the M1 or M3.

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