Reports of Harassment by Scummy Teens on New Royal Canal Cycle Path

Dublin - Royal Canal Cycle Pathway

Concerns over personal safety have emerged over the new €9m Royal Canal cycle path in Dublin’s north inner city after cyclists and local residents reported intimidating and threatening behaviour from teenagers along the route.

The recently opened 750 metre long path runs from an existing path linking the Liffey quays to Sheriff Street, to Newcomen bridge at the North Strand.

The multi-million euro cycleway along Dublin’s Royal Canal, which was only opened in July, has already had several reports of anti-social behaviour.

Groups of teenagers have been seen blocking the greenway, intimidating people who use it and throwing stones at cyclists.

There’s concern the 750 metre stretch from Sheriff Street to North Stand Road could become a no-go area.

The council has installed CCTV along the route that “directly feeds to An Garda Síochána offices”.

A Garda spokeswoman said officers were conducting regular patrols of the area.

Kieran Ryan from the Dublin Cycling Campaign says more gardaí are needed to stamp out any issues:

”There needs to be a more long-term approach, community engagement and community ownership of the space as well, because its not meant to be just a cycle lane, it’s also a linear park in the heart of Dublin city and Dublin needs as much park space as possible, so if the community don’t feel safe using that park, its going to continue to decline and become space that’s not used properly.

Dublin Lord Mayor, Hazel Chu, says it’s been raised with Gardaí, and also encouraged people to use the facility.

”I fully the fact that people have seen anti-social behaviour there, but its not every day, or at least i hope its not every day but also one thing we have researched in support is that when things are used regularly, when there’s a presence of other people, it’s harder for anyone to be anti-social.”

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