Vintners Admit Pubs are Flouting New Guidelines

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Some pubs are flouting COVID-19 phase three guidelines, the Vintners bodies have readily admitted.

The Vintners’ Federation of Ireland says government guidelines should be enforced, and any publican who does not adhere to them are putting other businesses at risk.

Fáilte Ireland’s advice says customers are only allowed 105 minutes at a table, while the pubs allowed reopen must serve a ‘substantial meal‘ worth €9.

Vintners’ Federation of Ireland Chief Executive Padraig Cribben says publicans should be clear about the guidance…

“There shouldn’t be, I mean the guideline is that it has to be the equivalent of a main course at your main meal during the day

“It has to cost nine euro. So there shouldn’t be confusion about that, unless people want to create confusion”.

Mr Cribben stressed he doesn’t condone any such behaviour by pub owners, as it is putting the publicans’ own business and other businesses at risk.

He said there are no regulations to police the guidelines, and that his organisation has always been of the view that all pubs should have been allowed open at the same time.

Meanwhile, Donall O’Keefe from the Licensed Vintners Association has been asked if pubs breaking the rules should be shut.

“We think those businesses that are found guilty of flouting the guidelines should be closed immediately

“The risk is now, so the closure needs to be immediate. Obviously that should be done on a case-by-case basis

“The majority of pubs are following the guidelines and doing their best to ensure compliance”.

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