Irish Covid-19 Cases Expected To Surge As Further Testing Begins


Coronavirus cases in the Republic of Ireland are anticipated to jump significantly this week as further testing begins.

From today GP’s are able to order Covid-19 tests electronically which is expected to result in a large increase in the number of people being confirmed as positive, Dublin Live reports.

The HSE has also dropped the testing threshold for coronavirus to any people who have cold or flu symptoms which is also predicted to lead to a significant rise.

Dr Colm Henry, Chief Clinical Officer of the HSE called for patience for those waiting on results: ” While we appreciate people’s concern about COVID-19, we would ask for their patience as we respond to the increasing requirement for testing.

“To limit the spread of COVID – 19 people should; practice social distancing and avoid crowded places, wash their hands properly and often, cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when they cough or sneeze, clean and disinfect frequently touched surface, stay at home if they are sick to avoid spread of whatever infection they have.

“I completely understand people feeling concern and anxiety. We will all work together as a health service to provide the information you need, and to provide the testing and health care needed for those who do develop illness due to COVID-19.”

“The public should go to the HSE website in the first instance if they are concerned about COVID-19.”

So far in the Republic, there have been two deaths from Covid-19 with cases jumping by 79 at the weekend to 169 in total.


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