GP’s Call For Government Action On Out Of Hours Services


GP’s are calling on the Government to take action on out of hours services.

They’re concerned over the number of hours they’re required to work and the impact on patient safety. The National Association of GP’s has been surveying its members ahead of a HSE review, on out of hours services.

They asked their members if the NAGP should recommend to a revision to their existing participation in the out of hours services commensurate with patient safety concerns and to comply with existing European directives on hours worked by doctors.

84% of those who responded to the text survey, backed a revision of the out of hours scheme over concerns for Patient Safety and Doctors Health

In a statement the NAGP say they’ve repeatedly called on the HSE to take corrective action.

Ahead of the publication of a HSE report on the issue, the NAGP are again calling for action over their concerns. The organisation will discuss the result of their ballot at their AGM in March.

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