Liam Gallagher Has Referred To Brother Noel As A ‘Creepy Little Tart’


The feud forever lives on… Liam has yet AGAIN hit back at older brother Noel through his favourite means of communication… Twitter of course. Liam was replying to a fan’s question about Noel’s appearance on The Graham Norton Show.

Noel argued that Liam’s constant Twitter insults directed at  him are in fact a way of showing his love for his older brother.

“He’s obsessed, as lots of people are. There’s not enough hours in the day for me to get through the s**t that I’ve got to get through”, Noel told Graham Norton.

“I don’t know where he finds the time to sit on the f***ing … on Twitter. But it’s clearly intoxicating for him.”

After a fan asked Liam if he enjoyed the shoutout, he replied:

“I think he’s obsessed with me the creepy little tart”.

In the same appearance on Norton’s show, Jack Black accidentally confused Noel for brother Liam… before realising what an awkward mistake he had made.

Noel tried to diffuse the situation by claiming that people get them mixed up ‘all the time’ and then discussed their rivalry, claiming that Liam is in fact the one who is obsessed.

“He’ll be watching this now, can we all say hello to him?”

One day… peace… one day.

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