43% of Dubliners Believe in Ghosts – Survey Finds

43% of Dubliners Believe in Ghosts - Survey Finds
Image: Shutterstock

Irish women are more likely to believe in ghosts and spirits than men, according to a new survey.

The national survey, conducted by Lottoland, revealed that nearly half of Irish women (48%) believe in spooky spectres, while men are slightly more skeptical (43%).

Regionally, people in Leinster (52%) are wearier of the paranormal than their Munster counterparts, where only 40% of people believe in the spirit world.

Over 2 in 5 Dubliners (43%) believe in things that go bump in the night.

Looking at age, 57% of 25 – 34 year old millenials believe in phantoms, which is twice as many as those aged 65 and over.

The survey also asked people what their preferred Halloween costume ideas are this year.

Donald Trump is the most popular costume choice for Dubliners, with 22% of respondents saying they intend to, or would like to, dress as the controversy-stricken former US president.

While Irish men’s top fancy dress choices are Donald Trump, Bono and Conor McGregor, the ladies poll was topped by Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian.

Dubliners are mostly opting for Taylor Swift while the women of Ulster and Connacht are in camp Kardashian.

Lottoland’s VP of Corporate Affairs Laura Pearson said: “Ireland definitely seems to be a spiritual place that readily embraces the psychic world.”

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