4 Men Arrested In Dublin In Money Laundering Sting


4 Romanian men have been arrested in Dublin as part of a Garda investigation into money laundering.

The money is the proceeds of various cyber scams, organised prostitution and thefts. 8 searches were carried out in North and west Dublin this morning by the Garda National Economic Crime Bureau.

They were assisted by Romanian speaking Gardaí and also Gardaí seconded to the Department of Social Protection.

They identified a number of bogus companies and bank accounts set up in both false names and by so called money mules.

Gardai established that around 1.5 million euro was laundered through these accounts and that the money is the proceeds orginised prostitution, thefts and cyber crimes like ‘smishing’ and ‘vishing.’

Documentation, identifications, cash and phones were seized and are being examined. Four male Romanian nationals in their late 20s and early 30s were arrested. Investigations are ongoing.

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