The HSE Sees 30,000 People Register Yesterday As Online Portal Now Open For 68 Year-Olds


The registration process for 68 year-olds to receive their first COVID jab began today, following yesterday’s registration of 69 year-olds. The HSE has seen around 30,000 people sign up for the vaccine since the online portal went live yesterday morning.

HSE’s Paul Reid took to social media this morning to declare “the programme has again been reset to an exciting phase”. After a “roller-coaster” of a week, the Chief Executive was joyous as the jab distribution begins to reach the wider population.

“Yesterday over 30K people, aged 69, registered for #CovidVaccine. After a roller coaster week, the programme has again been reset to an exciting phase, as it now reaches the wider population. Today the online system is open for those aged 68 to register. Good days ahead.@HSELive”.

Those signing up for vaccination through the HSE’s online registration portal will be offered an appointment within two weeks. Of those who registered yesterday for the jab, 95% registered online, with the remaining 5% registering over the phone.

Paul Reid further commented that 60 to 64-year-olds will be able to register for their jab “well before the end of April”. The Chief Executive said it would take up to three weeks to administer a first dose to 65 to 69-year-olds. Following a further three weeks to administer the jab to 60 to 64-year-olds, all registered 60+ will be vaccinated by the end of May.

The registration process for 67 year-olds to receive the jab begins tomorrow morning, with 66-year-olds able to register on Sunday. According HSE’s website, this age group is also potentially the only group that will receive the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine Vaxzevria.

Leo Varadkar has warned those who refuse the AstraZeneca jab will be put to the end of the vaccine queue. The Tánaiste warns naysayers will have to wait and said, “it’s not possible to know when the end would be”. He believes the best option for people is to just accept and take “the vaccine that’s offered to you”. Varadkar went on to express that “all the vaccines are effective and they’re safe for the age groups they’re indicated for”.

People who want to register through the HSE’s online portal require their PPS number, Eircode and e-mail address. Those unable to provide this information are advised to register by phone by LoCall: 1850-241850 or from outside Ireland: 003531-2408787.

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